
SF's 2011 March of Dimes Campaign

February 25, 2011

All proceeds go directly to the March of Dimes. The 2011 March of Dimes T-shirts will be available for purchase beginning March 14 or sooner. Location TBA upon arrival. Get a jump start and begin collecting donations now.

鈥淟ittle School March for Babies鈥- March 2, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Help support the MOD by lining the walkways as our Little School students walk from the Little School (by the Teaching Zoo) to F Building. The students will begin walking at 10:30 a.m. and walk pass the Zoo, go up the sidewalk toward D Building, turn right and go between C and E Buildings, through the P Building Breezeway, and ending in F Building. We will stop for a snack and a story in F Building. Please line our walk route and drop coins in our buckets!

鈥淐hili Cook Off鈥 鈥 March 15, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Join us in the Oak Grove for the Chili Cook-Off competition. You can taste, eat and vote for your favorite chili! For $5, you may purchase a large bowl of the chili of your choice and a drink. For only $1, you can select any five chilis to taste. What better way to determine which is your favorite? You may vote on your favorite chili by dropping a dime in the jar located in front of each pot of chili.

Does your chili have what it takes? Do you want to help out the March of Dimes? If so, please email gloria.kersh@sfcollege.edu. All you have to do is prepare your favorite chili recipe, bring your Crockpot to HR on the morning of March 15, and pick up it up after 1:30 p.m. We are hoping for 20 pots of chili, about 10-14 folks to serve, and plenty of healthy appetites.

鈥淢arch of Dimes Kickoff Walk鈥- March 18, 11 a.m. -1 p.m.

The first 50 participants who donate a minimum of $10 will be eligible for an SF College tote bag filled with an SF T-shirt and goodies, and lunch at the Zoo. The mini-walk will begin in front of the Library and end at the Zoo. A $25 donation gets you all of the above PLUS a 2011 SF MOD T-shirt, and you will be registered for the March of Dimes walk on March 26.

鈥淏ake Sale鈥 鈥 March 22, 11 a.m. -1 p.m.

There will be a bake sale for the March of Dimes in the E Breezeway on Tuesday, March 22. Delicious layered cakes, sheet cakes, cup cakes, brownies and cookies will be available for purchase.

鈥淢arch of Dimes Alachua County Walk America鈥 鈥 March 26, 8 a.m.

The walk will begin at Westwood Middle School at NW 34th Street and NW 8th Avenue. Registration requires a minimum donation of $25. Participation in the Kick Off on March 18 and a $25 donation will automatically qualify you for the walk on March 26.

For more information about any of the MOD events, please contact Sandy Kamhoot, 352-395-5727, or Debbie Kennedy, 352-381-3812.