Library Book and Bake Sale, March 16 and 17

February 24, 2011

The Library's Spring Book and Bake Sale will be held from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday, March 16 and 17. Please stop by the Library's front porch and peruse the great selection of used books, CDs and DVDs. (Books sell for 50 cents to $2; magazines are free; and home-made baked good go for just 50 cents!).

If you have anything you'd like to donate, please bring them to the Library's circulation desk or contact Trenita White at 395-5771 to arrange for pickup. The Library also asks that you do not bring bar-code scanners to the sale and that all book store representatives wait until March 17 to visit the sale. All proceeds from the sale go to benefit the library staff.