Hey, Good Looking! What's Your QEP?

September 3, 2010

A message from Eugene Jones, Director, Information Technology Information:

Okay, so maybe that's not the first thing you say to someone when you meet them, but we hope that the QEP will be on everyone's mind who is associated with ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ.

The Quality Enhancement Plan is part of our accreditation process but perhaps even more importantly, it's your chance to shape what happens in the future of our college.

If you had the funds, the energy and the staff to change, improve or create something about the learning environment here at SF, what would it be?

Well, we're asking everyone, and we mean everyone, to give us your ideas, big, small, world changers or whatever you'd like to give to us. To find out more about the QEP and to give us your great idea (or ideas — you can give us as many as like!), please follow the link below. t's also on the college index and on the home page under Quick Links.
