
Fall 2010 Leadership Seminar Series

September 2, 2010

The 青青草视频 Leadership Institute is offering a certificate of completion for those who attend all five basic leadership seminars in the Fall 2010 Leadership Seminar Series. The presenter will be Bruce Tucker, the Coordinator of the SF College Leadership Institute. All seminars are free and open to the public. If you'd like more information, please contact bruce.tucker@sfcollege.edu.

The first two seminars are described below. Select 鈥渞ead more,鈥 below for the entire series.

Leadership Institute website

Session I: Understanding the true meaning of leadership.

If everyone agrees on what good leadership is, there would be no need for a two party system, football coaches would never be fired, and my dog would obey me. My dog needs treats, coaches need wins, and the talking heads on TV need jobs. Why are there so many differences of opinion? How does this affect leadership effectiveness?

Date: Sept. 15, Time: 2 p.m., Location: S-326/327

Session II: Assessing your leadership potential.

My only qualification for chairing this committee is that I was absent for the meeting when officers were elected. I have two years to serve. Is my self-esteem about to take a dive? What kind of legacy will I leave behind me? Are there any hints that can indicate whether I will be successful?

Date: Sept. 29, Time: 2 p.m., Location: S-326/327

Session III: Discovering your style of leadership.

People respond more to how leaders do what they do rather than what they do. If you what better results, you must match your style of leadership with the people you are leading.

Date: Oct. 13, Time: 2 p.m., Location: S-326/327

Session IV: Motivating others intrinsically.

There is no money left in the budget for pizza. Attendance at meetings is small, and too many members are fussing with each other. What can I do to get the group on track? How am I responsible for their levels of commitment?

Date: Oct. 27, Time: 2 p.m., Location: S-326/327

Session V: Reflecting on your reasons for leading.

There are a lot of perks associated with being in leadership. There are also a lot of responsibilities and demands. Why would anyone, who understands the headaches of leadership, what to be a leader? The answer to that question will reveal a lot, and possibly indicate what the group can expect.

Date: Nov. 10, Time: 2 p.m., Location: S-326/327