RUE Grant Awardees Announced

February 25, 2010

The Research in Undergraduate Education Workgroup (RUE) awarded $500 grants to Beatriz Gonzalez, Matthew Kail, and Audra Rauner as part of its Provost's Research as Opportunity (PRO) and Provost's Research as Teaching (PRAT) Grants program. PRO grants support undergraduate research mentored by SF faculty. PRAT grants fund SF faculty development of research-oriented activities in their classes.

Gonzalez, Associate Professor, Biology, will use her PRAT Grant to fund travel related to revising the current Core 1 Biology Laboratory to add scientific research exercises. 

Kail, who is mentored by Jerry Johnston, Associate Professor, Biology, will use PRO Grant funds to purchase equipment related to his study of the population ecology of the Florida snapping turtle in the Santa Fe River. 

Rauner, who is mentored by Marc Shaboz, Associate Professor, Digital Media, will use PRO Grant funds to participate in the 48-Hour Film Festival at the Tallahassee Film Festival.

RUE was formed to encourage faculty to incorporate research into the curriculum and to recognize the research endeavors of faculty and students. The next deadline for PRO and PRAT Grant Applications is October 1, 2010.