Who's Who Nominations Needed by Dec. 1

November 10, 2009

Each year, a select group of students is called forward to accept one of the most prestigious awards the academic community can bestow - selection to This exclusive honor is conferred by more than 1,900 schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Who's Who has become one of the most highly regarded and long-standing honors programs in the nation, having earned the overwhelming respect of college faculties and administrations. And for the students – the outstanding campus leaders of the year – national recognition by the Who's Who program marks a pinnacle of scholastic achievement.

Nomination Criteria

Selections to Who's Who are made each fall by individual schools. Criteria used for selection is based upon the following:

  • GPA
  • Credit hours
  • Participation and leadership within school organization and extracurricular activities
  • Community involvement
  • Future leadership ability and/or potential

This procedure for nomination succeeds in highlighting the individual and diverse service to community and school. These are the young adults who enhance the positive image of American youth through their contributions to community and school. All nominations must be endorsed by a college's faculty or administration.

As such, the time has come to garner the select names of ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ students who have maintained a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00, have 30 or more credit hours, and are involved in on-campus activities or community service.

Send nominations to Angela Long by Dec. 1

If you know of an exemplary student who meets the above standards of excellence, please take a moment to email Angela Long with the name of the student, student ID, address, and student email no later than Dec. 1.

Thank you for your participation in this process!