
Steve Yongue's Harvest

July 2, 2009

Steve Yongue and his daughters, Soleil and Siyah, worked with Florida Organic Growers to install a GIFT Garden - a 4-by-8-foot raised bed organic garden - at their home in April.

"We did one-foot squares and then we planted one thing in each one-foot square, except for the basil, which we planted four to a square," Steve explained.

They just started harvesting their summer produce. Steve came to work this morning with an eggplant and bag of basil for coworker Tabrisha Baker.

"This is the first garden I've ever grown, literally!" Steve said. "I was so excited that I had Italian Night last night by cooking pesto from fresh basil that I'd grown and eggplant parmesan."

When Steve discussed his garden's progress this spring, he would always refer to his eggplant as "my little eggplant parmesan," never as an "eggplant"; he had been anticipating last night's eggplant parmesan for months.

"It was so fresh, just walk outside and pick it!"

Congratulations, Steve!