
How to make long distance calls

By default, all users are given access to Continental Long Distance without a Pin Code. However, some departments -- at the request of the department manager -- require users to enter a Pin Code before dialing a long distance phone number.

Clicking on each section below will display instructions and tips for that step.

Continental long distance (without Pin Code)

  1. Dial 9 to get an outside line
  2. Dial 1 to indicate that you are dialing a long distance number
  3. Dial the three-digit Area Code and then the seven-digit phone number

Example 1:  9 1 4025554444 for Business and Residential

Example 2:  9 1 8005554444 for 1-800 numbers

Continental long distance (with Pin Code)

  1. Dial *9
  2. Enter your department's Pin Code
  3. Dial 1 to indicate that you are dialing a long distance number
  4. Dial the three-digit Area Code and then the seven-digit phone number

Example 1:  *9 (Pin Code) 1 4025554444 for Business and Residential

Example 2:  *9 (Pin Code) 1 8005554444 for 1-800 numbers

International long distance (with Pin Code)

Special permission is required. All requests must be submitted by your department's vice president.

  1. Dial *9
  2. Enter your department's Pin Code
  3. Dial 011 (the U.S. exit code) to indicate that you are dialing an international number
  4. Dial the country code of the phone number in question
  5. Dial the phone number

Example 1:  *9 (Pin Code) 011 212 522787575