How to add an email address as a Safe Sender


In order to ensure that email you want to receive arrive in your Inbox, you can add the sender's email address to your account's Safe Sender list. Please select a category below to see the instructions for that particular email client.


  1. Right-click on the email
  2. On the menu that appears, move the mouse pointer down to "Junk" and select "Junk Email Options…" in the sub-menu
  3. In the window that pops-up, click on the Safe Senders tab
  4. Click the "Add…" button
  5. In the window that pops-up, enter the email address in question
  6. Click the "Ok" button to enter that email address into the list of Safe Senders
  7. Click the "Ok" button to close the "Junk Email Options" window

Office 365 (webmail)

  1. Click on the gear icon at the top of the page (to the left of your name) to access the Settings menu
  2. Under the "Your app settings" section, click on "Mail"
  3. Under the "Accounts" section on the left side of the page, click on "Block or allow"
  4. In the textbox under the "Safe Senders and Recipients" section, enter the email address in question
  5. Press the Enter key on your keyboard to add that email address to the list of Safe Senders
  6. Click the "Save" icon/button at the top of that section
  7. Exit the Settings section of your email account (you can do so by clicking on the image of the arrow pointing left with a circle around it at the top-left section of the page next to the word "Options")