
Community Education Course Proposal

Your course proposal will not be considered unless you complete a 青青草视频 employment application. Once you submit the Course Proposal, we will forward the Employment Application to you in a PDF format to your email. You can then fill it out and send it back to us.

It will take about 15 to 30 minutes to complete the course proposal. Your work cannot be saved. Please complete as thoroughly as possible. Thank you.


This is a template document. You will need to save it to your computer or print, fill out, and mail in. If you wish to email it as an attachment, please be sure to use the copy from your computer and email to melissa.graham@sfcollege.edu with the proposal attached.

Most Community Education classes pay the instructor $15 per hour, but a few exceptions do exist based on the type of class and if you run a private business. You are also welcome to volunteer as an instructor-we love volunteers! Please fill in the following information.

Thank you for the online submission of a Community Education Course Proposal.

You should receive a response from us within 2 business days. In the event you have questions or edits in the interim, please contact Melissa Graham at melissa.graham@sfcollege.edu.

Community Education Course Proposal


Contact Info

Course Info

(no Ampersands, please spell out)

Enter your description as you would like it to appear in the catalog. Write in the "you" tense. SF Community Education reserves the right to edit.

What kinds of supplies would need to be purchased by you or the students?

What is the approximate cost for these materials (this does not include registration fee)?

Would students need to bring anything to the first class, and if so, what should they bring?

Will students need previous knowledge or skills in the subject, and if so, what skills?

Please provide an outline of the topics you plan to cover in your class.

Schedule Info

What day would you prefer to teach?

If additional day, what day?

How many days per week?

Please note that shorter-length courses are more popular than longer courses, but some, like physical fitness or languages, need a longer length. The maximum number of weeks needed to complete the course is usually 6 weeks.

Location Info

What is the maximum number of students you would feel comfortable teaching?

Where would you like to hold your class? Our current sites are: