Health Services Management, A.S.

Program Overview

The Associate in Science, Health Services Management program is designed for individuals with an interest in health care management and students preparing to transfer into SF's Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) in Health Services Administration program. Health services professionals provide important administrative and supportive services in a plethora of health care settings.

After successfully completing the A.S. in Health Services Management program, the students will demonstrate a knowledge of health care delivery systems, legal and ethical considerations, information technology application in health care, leadership and administrative responsibilities, and basic finance, accounting, and budgeting functions.

There are no Admissions requirements for this program.

Students who are not at college level could still be admitted, but will need to take prep classes before beginning program courses.

All tuition and fees are estimated costs and subject to change without notice.

Program Costs

  • Florida Residents:
    • $106.77 per credit hour x 60 credit hours = $6,406.20
  • Non-Florida Residents:
    • $382.90 per credit hour x 60 credit hours =$22,974.00

Does not include books, lab fees, etc.

For more information, please visit Tuition Costs and Due Dates.


Financial Aid

There are many options to finance your education. You may be eligible for Federal Grants, Work Study, State Grants, Federal Loans, and Institutional Scholarships. For more information and how to apply, please visit theFinancial Aidpage.

Typical Job Titles:

(Depends on the facility or area of expertise)

  • Administrative Coordinator
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Executive Assistant
  • Medical Assistant
  • Medical Secretary
  • Office Manager
  • Patient Service Representative
  • Store Manager

Salary range in Gainesville, FL:

  • Workers on average earn$111,610.
  • 10% of workers earn$66,380 or less.
  • 10% of workers earn$171,080 or more.

Salary range in Florida:

  • Workers on average earn$104,310.
  • 10% of workers earn$63,980 or less.
  • 10% of workers earn$205,670 or more.


Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of management and leadership concepts.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of financial concepts.
  • Apply technology effectively to business cases by the use of a variety of tools including but not limited to software, internet and web-based services.
  • Evaluate economic challenges by presenting evidence from credible sources, developing an argument, noting the context/assumptions, and thus drawing conclusions.
  • Apply knowledge in operational and financial functions when acquiring, analyzing, managing, and securing data/information.
  • Examine diversity among business stakeholders to support sensitive, appropriate, and inclusive decision-making.
  • Evaluate employability and leadership skills through successful internship or capstone project(s).

Program Length:

  • Credit hours - 60
  • Time to completion – 2 years (full-time), 3-4 years (part-time)

Need C or higher in all coursework including Internship to graduate

All students are urged to make an appointment to see SF's Business Programs Advisor once each semester to ensure that adequate progress toward a degree is being made. All students must apply for graduation upon enrollment in their last semester of coursework.


  • Online/Hybrid/Face to Face Options – Currently only Online, Virtualized Hybrid. See Types of Classes


  • Sample Sequencing for Full-time students
  • See link at the bottom of this page for a Sample Degree Audit

Sample Course Sequencing for Full-time Students

Florida CIP: 1351070101
SF Program Code: 3330
Total SF Semester Hours = 60

Term 1 Fall (12 credit hours)

  • ENC1101 College Composition I (3 credit hours)
  • CGS1101 Microsoft Office Applications (3 credit hours)
  • HIM1000 Introduction to Health Information Management (3 credit hours)
  • HSC2531 Medical Terminology (3 credit hours)

Term 2 Spring (12 credit hours)

  • HIM2012 Health Law & Compliance (3 credit hours)
  • MAN2300 Human Resources Management (3 credit hours)
  • HSA2172 Reimbursement Methodology & Revenue Cycle Management (3 credit hours)
  • MGF1131 Mathematics in Context (3 credit hours)

Term 3 Summer (12 credit hours)

  • HIM2211 Health Information Technology (3 credit hours)
  • EVR1001 Intro to Environmental Science (3 credit hours)
  • STA2023 Statistics (3 credit hours)
  • POS2041 American National Government Or AMH2020 History Since 1877 (3 credit hours)

Term 4 Fall (12 credit hours)

  • ACG2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 credit hours) Or ACG2001 Accounting Principles 1 & ACG2011 Accounting Principles II (3 credit hours each)
  • HIM2500 Healthcare Statistics, Continuous Quality Improvement & Risk Management (3 credit hours)
  • ARH1000 Art Appreciation Or LIT1000 Lit Appreciation (3 credit hours)
  • ENC2210 Technical Communications (3 credit hours)

Term 5 Spring (12 credit hours)

  • IDS2941 Internship and Career Building (3 credit hours)
  • ACG2071 Managerial Accounting (3 credit hours)
  • HIM2652 Electronic Health Record & Technology (3 credit hours)
  • ECO2023 Microeconomics (3 credit hours)

Sample Course Sequencing for Part-time Students

Term 1 (Fall)

  • ENC1101 English Composition 1 (3 credit hours)
  • CGS1101 Microsoft Office Applications (3 credit hours)
  • HIM1000 Introduction to Health Information Management (3 credit hours)

Term 2 (Spring)

  • HIM2012 Health Law & Compliance (3 credit hours)
  • MAN2300 Human Resources Management (3 credit hours)
  • HSC2531 Medical Terminology (3 credit hours)

Term 3 (Summer)

  • HIM2211 Health Information Technology (3 credit hours)
  • MGF1131 Mathematics in Context (3 credit hours)
  • HSA2172 Reimbursement Methodology & Revenue Cycle Management (3 credit hours)

Term 4 (Fall)

  • ACG2021 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 credit hours) Or ACG2001 Accounting Principles 1 & ACG2011 Accounting Principles II (3 credit hours each)
  • HIM2500 Healthcare Statistics, Continuous Quality Improvement & Risk Management (3 credit hours)
  • STA2023 Statistics (3 credit hours)

Term 5 (Spring)

  • IDS2941 Internship and Career Building (3 credit hours)
  • EMC2210 Technical Communications (3 credit hours)
  • ACG2071 Managerial Accounting (3 credit hours)

Term 6 (Summer)

  • EVR1001 Intro to Environmental Science (3 credit hours)
  • ARH1000 Art Appreciation Or LIT1000 Lit Appreciation (3 credit hours)
  • POS2041 American National Government Or AMH2020 History Since 1877

Term 7 (Fall)

  • ECO2023 Microeconomics (3 credit hours)

Term 8 (Spring)

  • HIM2652 Electronic Health Record & Technology (3 credit hours)


The Cost of Attendance (COA) is not the bill that you will receive from ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ. It is an estimate of what it costs the typical student to attend ÇàÇà²ÝÊÓƵ for one academic year including tuition, books, course materials, living expenses, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses.

Tuition and fees in the cost of attendance below are calculated for credit hour programs, assuming enrollment in 12 credit hours in the Fall and Spring semesters. Actual tuition and fees may vary by program. For a better understanding of your chosen program’s tuition and fees, see program costs above.

Undergraduate Lower Division Courses (A.A./A.S. Degree Courses)
  Off-Campus* Off-Campus with Parent**

Tuition and Fees

In-State: $106.77 per credit
Out-Of-State: $382.90 per credit

In-State: $2,563

Out-Of-State: $9,190

In-State: $2,563

Out-Of-State: $9,190

Books, Course Materials,
Supplies, and Equipment

$783 $783
Living Expenses
(Food & Housing)
$10,367 $3,654
Personal Expenses
$2,394 $2,394
Transportation $1,197 $3,942

In-State: $17,304

Out-Of-State: $23,931

In-State: $13,336

Out-Of-State: $19,963

Undergraduate Upper Division Courses (Bachelor's Degree Courses)
  Off-Campus* Off-Campus with Parent**

Tuition and Fees

In-State: $126.33 per credit
Out-Of-State: $428.83 per credit

In-State: $3,032

Out-Of-State: $10,292

In-State: $3,032

Out-Of-State: $10,292

Books, Course Materials,
Supplies, and Equipment
$783 $783
Living Expenses
(Food & Housing)
$10,367 $3,654
Personal Expenses
$2,394 $2,394
Transportation $1,197 $3,942

In-State: $17,773

Out-Of-State: $25,033

In-State: $13,805

Out-Of-State: $21,065

*Off-Campus: you intend to live off-campus but not with your parent(s).

**Off-Campus with Parent: you intend to live with your parent(s) or other relatives.

Note: All costs and rates are subject to change for the upcoming year.

For more detailed information, visit SF's Cost of Attendance page.

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