Respiratory Care, A.S.
Program Overview
A respiratory therapist is a healthcare professional who specializes in assessing, treating, and caring for patients with breathing disorders or cardiopulmonary issues. They play a crucial role in helping individuals with conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, trauma, and other respiratory conditions. The responsibilities of a respiratory therapist include patient assessment, developing treatment plans, patient education, emergency airway management, respiratory support, ventilator management, patient transport, and ECMO. Respiratory therapists work in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and home healthcare. They may also specialize in areas such as neonatal/pediatric care, pulmonary diagnostics, and sleep disorders. They work closely with other healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, to coordinate comprehensive care for patients. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of respiratory therapists is projected to grow 13 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Graduates of the SF Respiratory Care Program will earn an Associate in Science Degree in Respiratory Care.
In addition to a traditional class format, SF also offers an evening and weekend format of the Respiratory Care program. Evening and weekend classes and labs are scheduled after 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday with additional labs and clinicals held on the weekends. Some overnight clinical shifts may be scheduled during the last semester of the Program to put education into clinical practice. The Respiratory Care evening and weekend program spans 6 (six) semesters at less than full-time.
青青草视频's Respiratory Care Program (CoARC Program #200215) is fully accredited by the located at 264 Precision Blvd, Telford, TN 37690. Phone: 817-283-2835.
CoARC accredits respiratory therapy education programs in the United States. To achieve this end, it utilizes an 'outcomes based' process. Programmatic outcomes are performance indicators that reflect the extent to which the educational goals of the program are achieved and by which program effectiveness is documented. .
The College is accredited by the .
Licensure and Certification
Successful completion of all degree requirements will make you eligible to take the Respiratory Therapist and other specialty exams offered by the .
If you are a student who resides outside of Florida, or plan to relocate outside of Florida, 青青草视频 has made the determination that this degree program or curriculum only meets educational requirements for professional licensure in the state of Florida. Please contact the Licensure Board in your state to determine whether this program or curriculum will meet their licensure requirements.
All states regulating the profession recognize NBRC examinations as standards for state licensure.
Please note that program prerequisite courses have changed. Carefully review the following information to ensure your application to the Program satisfies the posted requirements.
The following prerequisite requirements must be completed in order to apply to the Respiratory Care program:
- Possess a 2.50 or higher overall college GPA.
- Complete the following prerequisite coursework with a grade of "C" or better:
- BSC2085/L Anatomy and Physiology I with lab
- BSC2086/L Anatomy and Physiology II with lab
- ENC1101 College Composition
- MAC1105 College Algebra*
- Choose one of the following Social/Behavioral Sciences courses:
- AMH2020 US History Since 1877
- POS2041 American National Government
- AMH2010 US History To 1877
- Choose one of the following Humanities/Fine Arts courses:
- ARH1000 Art Appreciation
- HUM2020 Introduction to Humanities
- LIT1000 Literature Appreciation
- MUL1010 Music Appreciation
- PHI2010 Introduction to Philosophy
- THE1000 Theater Appreciation
All transcripts and coursework must be evaluated and accepted by 青青草视频 prior to the application date in order to qualify for application.
To help protect patients and students, upon acceptance to a Health Science Program, all students must undergo state and federal background checks and show proof of certain immunizations and negative drug screenings as required by clinical affiliates. Students will be provided instructions to complete these tasks at the appropriate time. For more information regarding the application process, please visit the "Before You Apply" webpage.
For more information on program specific expectations and to view the Allied Health Student Handbook, please visit the "Prospective and Current Students" webpage.
See Application Dates and Deadlines and closely review other requirements Before You Apply.
All tuition and fees are estimated costs and subject to change without notice.
Program Costs Breakdown
Tuition for 76 Credit Hours
- $8,114.52 Florida Residents
- $29,100.40 Non-Florida Residents
Lab Fees: $1,098.59
Additional Expenses Total: $4,204.90
- $250.00 Uniforms, Stethoscope, Program patches
- $1,500.00 Required Textbooks
- $600.00 Laptop or notebook computer w/webcam
- $900.00 Health Physical and Immunizations
- $80.00 Flu Vaccinations (2)
- $65.00 American Heart Association Basic Life Support Certification
- $51.90 On-line Expanded National Background Screening
- $68.00 Level 2 Background Screening Fingerprinting
- $135.00 Drug Screening Test
- $300.00 Miscellaneous Clinical Requirements: Tracking Software, Database, Parking
- $105.00 License Fee
- $150.00 Additional mid-program background checks, drug test, physical update
Program Cost Totals
- $13,418.01 Florida Residents
- $34,403.89 Non-Florida Residents
There are many scholarships available for 青青草视频 students to apply to. Please visit the Scholarships webpage for more information and how to apply.
Financial Aid
There are many options to finance your education. You may be eligible for Federal Grants, Work Study, State Grants, Federal Loans, and Institutional Scholarships. Please visit the Financial Aid page for more information and how to apply.
Selection criteria and points system is subject to change. It is the applicant's responsibility to check with the Health Sciences Advisement Office for up-to-date requirements and information.
Prior Degree and/or Certification (Maximum Points = 9)
- B.A./B.S. or higher (7 PTS)
- A.A./A.S. (2 PTS)
- Current Patient Care Certification (CNA, EMT, Medical Assistant, etc.) (2 PTS)
All-College GPA (Maximum Points = 20)
- 3.75 - 4.00 (20 PTS)
- 3.50 - 3.74 (15 PTS)
- 3.25 - 3.49 (10 PTS)
- 3.00 - 3.24 (5 PTS)
- 2.75 - 2.99 (3 PTS)
- 2.50 - 2.74 (1 PT)
Prerequisite Coursework GPA (Maximum Points = 20)
- 3.75 - 4.00 (20 PTS)
- 3.50 - 3.74 (15 PTS)
- 3.25 - 3.49 (10 PTS)
- 3.00 - 3.24 (5 PTS)
- 2.75 - 2.99 (3 PTS)
- 2.50 - 2.74 (1 PT)
Military Service (5 PTS)
Five points will be awarded to US Armed Forces active duty and honorably discharged veterans. Includes recent Reservist and National Guard combat deployments. DD-214 or proof of current service required. Minimum of 1 year active duty service required. Part-time Reservist or National Guard service must be documented separately and equal 365 active duty days (i.e., weekend service, annual 2-week assignment and deployment). Service dates may be combined with proper documentation. Veterans who receive a general discharge must be classified without misconduct.
To prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains of respiratory care practice as performed by registered respiratory therapists (RRTs).
The Respiratory Care program spans five semesters for the day-time program or six semesters for the evening/weekend program with courses meeting in a variety of platforms to include: on-campus, on-line, and virtually. In addition, students will conduct clinical internships at local and regional hospitals.
The day-time program is academically rigorous and requires students to be available Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Some evening and/or weekend clinical hours may be required.
The program is a total of 76.0 credit hours, including prerequisite requirements. Program core courses: 56.0 credit hours. Pre-requisite courses: 20.0 credit hours.
The program core courses must be taken as a cohort. The order in which to take the courses will be provided to the student upon acceptance to the program but may change based on program availability. The prerequisite requirements listed in "Requirements for Admission" may be taken in any order based on course offerings.
Traditional Program
Term 1 - Fall (13 credit hours)
- RET1025 Principles of Respiratory Care (4 credit hours)
- RET1025L Principles of Respiratory Care Lab (1 credit hour)
- RET1350 Pharmacology (4 credit hours)
- RET1484 Pathophysiology (4 credit hours)
Term 2 - Spring (12 credit hours)
- RET1291 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 1 (4 credit hours)
- RET2283 Intro to Mechanical Ventilation (4 credit hours)
- RET2283L Intro to Mechanical Ventilation Lab (1 credit hour)
- RET2434C Respiratory Care Chemical Analysis (3 credit hours)
Term 3 - Summer (6 credit hours)
- RET1292 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 2 (3 credit hours)
- RET1485C Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology (3 credit hours)
Term 4 - Fall (13 credit hours)
- RET2264L Advanced Mechanical Ventilation and Patient Management Lab (1 credit hour)
- RET2284 Intensive Respiratory Care (3 credit hours)
- RET2293 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 3 (4 credit hours)
- RET2714 Pediatric/Neonatal Respiratory Care (3 credit hours)
- RET2934 Respiratory Care Case Management Seminar (2 credit hours)
Term 5 - Spring (12 credit hours)
- RET2264 Advanced Mechanical Ventilation and Patient Management (3 credit hours)
- RET2295 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 4 (2 credit hours)
- RET2936 Respiratory Registry Preparation (3 credit hours)
- RET2296 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 5 (4 credit hours)
Evening & Weekend Program
Term 1 - Spring (8 credit hours)
- RET1350 Pharmacology (4 credit hours)
- RET1484 Pathophysiology (4 credit hours)
Term 2 - Summer (8 credit hours)
- RET1025 Principles of Respiratory Care (4 credit hours)
- RET1025L Principles of Respiratory Care Lab (1 credit hour)
- RET2434C Respiratory Care Chemical Analysis (3 credit hours)
Term 3 - Fall (9 credit hours)
- RET1291 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 1 (4 credit hours)
- RET2283 Intro to Mechanical Ventilation (4 credit hours)
- RET2283L Intro to Mechanical Ventilation Lab (1 credit hour)
Term 4 - Spring (10 credit hours)
- RET1292 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 2 (3 credit hours)
- RET1485C Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology (3 credit hours)
- RET2714 Pediatric/Neonatal Respiratory Care (3 credit hours)
- RET2264L Advanced Mechanical Ventilation and Patient Management Lab (1 credit hour)
Term 5 - Summer (9 credit hours)
- RET2284 Intensive Respiratory Care (3 credit hours)
- RET2293 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 3 (4 credit hours)
- RET2934 Respiratory Care Case Management Seminar (2 credit hours)
Term 6 - Fall (12 credit hours)
- RET2264 Advanced Mechanical Ventilation and Patient Management (3 credit hours)
- RET2295 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 4 (2 credit hours)
- RET2936 Respiratory Registry Preparation (3 credit hours)
- RET2296 Clinical Respiratory Medicine 5 (4 credit hours)
The Respiratory Care program is a practice discipline with cognitive, sensory, affective and psychomotor performance requirements. Applicants should assess their aptitude and ability to perform professional duties by reviewing the Program Performance Standards below and discussing them with their healthcare provider. Applicants who identify potential difficulties with meeting the Program Performance Standards should communicate their concerns to the Academic Chair for Allied Health Programs. If the concern is related to a documented disability, applicants are responsible for contacting the Disabilities Resource Center for determination of reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
Critical Thinking
Standard: Critical thinking sufficient for clinical judgment.
Example: Handle ventilator adjustments and arterial blood gas interpretation. Provide treatment
plans. Ability to work alone as well as a member of a team.
Standard: Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families and groups
from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds.
Example: Display compassion, empathy and concern for others in a calm manner. Work with other
health care providers in stressful life/death situations.
Standard: Communication abilities sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written
Example: Communicate patient response to therapy; document therapeutic procedure performed
on patient; consult with other healthcare providers in order to alter current therapy.
Standard: Physical abilities sufficient to move independently from room to room and through
hallways; maneuver in small places.
Example: Walk to and from department to patient rooms and room to room for breathing treatments.
Move patients to/from wheelchair, stretcher or bed. Assist in patient transport.
Tactile and Motor Skills
Standard: Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to safely and effectively perform cardiopulmonary
skills. Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment.
Example: Perform arterial punctures, chest physiotherapy, and tracheal suctioning. Perform
Standard: Auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess health needs.
Example: Auscultation of breath sounds; hear alarms in units; communicate verbally with patients,
family, staff and other healthcare providers.
Standard: Visual ability sufficient for physical observation.
Example: Read patient charts, flow sheets and monitors; monitor and assess patient skin color,
sputum samples and draw medications.
Professional Appearance
As a representative of 青青草视频 and the Respiratory Care Program, students must abide by specific professional appearance guidelines required by our clinical affiliates. Hair must be maintained within the range of natural color and must be conservative in length and style. Clothing and footwear must comply with standards prescribed by the program. Facial hair should be kept neat and trimmed short.
Program Effectiveness captures the quality of a program using qualitative data such as program completion, national exam pass rates and job placement.
Class of 2024
83% Retention Rate
80% Job Placement Rate
95% CRT Credentialing Exam
70% RRT Credentialing Exam
TBD Overall Employer Satisfaction Rate
TBD Overall Graduate Satisfaction Rate
*Data for areas listed as "TBD" will be available in July of 2025
Class of 2023
100% Retention Rate
91% Job Placement Rate
100% CRT Credentialing Exam Success Rate
82% RRT Credentialing Exam Success Rate
92% Overall Employer Satisfaction Rate
100% Overall Graduate Satisfaction Rate
Class of 2022
88% Retention Rate
95% Job Placement Rate
95% CRT Credentialing Exam
95% RRT Credentialing Exam
95% Overall Employer Satisfaction Rate
100% Overall Graduate Satisfaction Rate
Class of 2021
91% Retention Rate
96% Job Placement Rate
96% CRT Credentialing Exam Success Rate
92% RRT Credentialing Exam Success Rate
100% Overall Employer Satisfaction Rate
100% Overall Graduate Satisfaction Rate
青青草视频's Respiratory Care Program has been awarded the Distinguished RRT Credentialing Success Award by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) which oversees all respiratory care educational programs in the U.S. .
To comply with Standard 5.03 of the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care, the enclosed link is provided to the general public with information regarding the successes of our graduates. It includes pass rates on the National examinations, Registry results, job placement rates as well as Program attrition. Please feel free to access this site and review the outstanding results obtained by our graduates of Santa Fe College. .
The Cost of Attendance (COA) is not the bill that you will receive from 青青草视频. It is an estimate of what it costs the typical student to attend 青青草视频 for one academic year including tuition, books, course materials, living expenses, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses.
Tuition and fees in the cost of attendance below are calculated for credit hour programs, assuming enrollment in 12 credit hours in the Fall and Spring semesters. Actual tuition and fees may vary by program. For a better understanding of your chosen program鈥檚 tuition and fees, see program costs above.
Off-Campus* | Off-Campus with Parent** | |
Tuition and Fees In-State: $106.77 per credit |
In-State: $2,563 Out-Of-State: $9,190 |
In-State: $2,563 Out-Of-State: $9,190 |
Books, Course Materials, |
$783 | $783 |
Living Expenses (Food & Housing) |
$10,367 | $3,654 |
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses |
$2,394 | $2,394 |
Transportation | $1,197 | $3,942 |
Total |
In-State: $17,304 Out-Of-State: $23,931 |
In-State: $13,336 Out-Of-State: $19,963 |
Off-Campus* | Off-Campus with Parent** | |
Tuition and Fees In-State: $126.33 per credit |
In-State: $3,032 Out-Of-State: $10,292 |
In-State: $3,032 Out-Of-State: $10,292 |
Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment |
$783 | $783 |
Living Expenses (Food & Housing) |
$10,367 | $3,654 |
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses |
$2,394 | $2,394 |
Transportation | $1,197 | $3,942 |
Total |
In-State: $17,773 Out-Of-State: $25,033 |
In-State: $13,805 Out-Of-State: $21,065 |
*Off-Campus: you intend to live off-campus but not with your parent(s).
**Off-Campus with Parent: you intend to live with your parent(s) or other relatives.
Note: All costs and rates are subject to change for the upcoming year.
For more detailed information, visit SF's Cost of Attendance page.