Quantitative Reasoning Rubric
Quantitative reasoning allows a student to analyze/interpret quantitative data verbally, graphically, symbolically, and numerically; to communicate quantitative data verbally, graphically, symbolically, and numerically; to appropriately integrate technology into mathematical processes; and to use mathematical concepts in problem-solving through integration of new material and modeling.
3. Excellent | 2. Acceptable | 1. Needs Improvement | 0. Not Demonstrated | |
Interpretation Ability to understand the information presented in mathematical forms as well as the underlying assumptions needed in order to create such forms Demonstrated by correctly translating one form into another, or explaining the limitations of the given form *forms: verbal, numerical, graphical, symbolic |
Provides an accurate and complete explanation of information in the mathematical form and/or a complete and accurate translation into another mathematical form with appropriate details specified |
Provides a mostly accurate explanation of information in the mathematical form and/or a mostly accurate translation into another mathematical form |
Makes attempt to explain information presented in a mathematical form and/or translate into another mathematical form but done incorrectly |
No attempt made to explain information or translate into another mathematical form. |
Application 鈥 Assumptions Ability to determine an appropriate strategy to approach a problem and/or ability to identify and describe the underlying assumptions in the model / data / approach Demonstrated by properly setting up or choosing a correct approach to a contextual problem (look at chosen strategy for approaching situation, not quality of argument) |
The approach taken is a correct way to approach the situation and all elements of the strategy are incorporated into work shown; and/or explicitly and correctly describes underlying assumptions about model / data and provides compelling rationale for appropriateness
The approach taken is a correct way of approaching the situation, though it may be incomplete; and/or explicitly and correctly describes underlying assumptions about model / data / approach |
The approach taken cannot solve the actual problem at hand; and/or starts from false or misapplied assumptions about model / data / approach |
No approach is shown |
Representation 鈥 Communication Ability to express mathematical evidence in support of an answer Demonstrated by stating logical and appropriately notated steps starting from the given problem and/or appropriately uses quantitative information as logical support of an argument (look at logic of supporting argument regardless of strategy chosen) |
Steps are logically connected, written with correct mathematical notation / vocabulary, and clearly walks the audience from the beginning of the problem to the final correct solution; and / or uses appropriate quantitative information in an effective format to properly support argument |
Steps are written with mostly good notation/vocabulary, and the majority of the steps are logically connected. Work may have minor errors or may have a break in logic, but the overall outline of work is appropriate to the problem; and/or uses appropriate quantitative information to support conclusion (may have minor errors)
The steps given are unrelated to the problem and/or each other; and/or unsuccessfully attempts to use quantitative information (no clear connection between data and argument) |
No steps are given |
Calculation 鈥 Numeracy Ability to understand and work with measured quantities in context Demonstrated by recognizing faulty answers and/or getting the correct output value after performing appropriate work with correct input value |
Answer is correct and makes sense in context and/or calculations attempted are successful and sufficiently comprehensive to support the correct output value |
Answer is in the right range of what is acceptable given the context though may be slightly off due to minor mistake in work, and/or the work performed with the input value is largely correct in getting an output value, though there may be minor errors |
Answer does not make sense in context and/or significant errors were made in calculating an output from a given input |
No answer is given |