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Signatures on this form indicate that all documents attached have been evaluated, including a portfolio, if Alternative Credentialing is requested.Applicant  FORMTEXT      ID or SSN  FORMTEXT      Supervising Chairperson/Director  FORMTEXT       Institution Name(s) Degree(s)Major(s)Date Awarded FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT       FORMTEXT      COURSES THE APPLICANT IS QUALIFIED TO TEACH:  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       Teaching Discipline 1 (Name)  FORMTEXT      Teaching Discipline 2 (Name)  FORMTEXT      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For additional teaching disciplines, use additional forms.  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT      Chair/DirectorName  FORMTEXT      Signature DateInterim Provost/ Vice President Academic Affairs Name Edward T. Bonahue Signature DateOR Vice President Academic Affairs DesigneeName Curtis JeffersonSignatureDateDistribution: Original - To Human Resources Copy - To Director/ChairHR ProcessedBy:Date: FCOC TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date: FORMTEXT       To: Faculty Credential Oversight Committee From:  FORMTEXT      Chair/Director Subject: Request for Credentialing Use one of the following appropriate options listed below:  FORMCHECKBOX  The applicant explicitly meets the credentialing requirements set forth in the appropriate section of the Credentialing Manual based on review of the official transcript and/or other required supporting documentation.  FORMCHECKBOX  The applicant meets degree and course work guidelines based on review of results of evaluation of his/her foreign credentials by a foreign credentials evaluation service and other supporting documentation.  FORMCHECKBOX  The applicant does not explicitly meet degree and course work guidelines, but has been recommended for credentialing based on review of documentation in the portfolio presented Name of Applicant FORMTEXT       Teaching Discipline  FORMTEXT        FORMCHECKBOX  Part Time  FORMCHECKBOX  Full Time Explanation Rationale for Request for Credentialing:  FORMTEXT       Synopsis of Documented Evidence:  FORMTEXT       Signature of Chair/DirectorDate: FORMTEXT       Signature of FCOC Chair or DesigneeDate: Signature of Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs OR DesigneeDate: Action of Provost/Vice President: Approve  FORMCHECKBOX  Disapprove  FORMCHECKBOX      Revised 8/7/2009 2<>@BVXZdfhj~ΊооЈооnЈооTЈоо2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ2j-h{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ7jh{h p5CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu2jͶh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ#h{h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ,jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ/jh{h p5CJU^JaJmHnHuΊЊҊ܊ފ  ",.02VXlnϳϡϡϳϡϡmϳϡiXϡ>2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ h{h pCJOJQJ^JaJh p2jսh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ2jeh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ#h{h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ7jh{h p5CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu,jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJnpz|~ȋʋ̋éÄjN7jh{h p5CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ h{h pCJOJQJ^JaJ&jhq5CJOJQJU^JaJ2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ#h{h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ&jhK-+5CJOJQJU^JaJ,jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ <>@TVXbdfh|~Όϳϡϡvϳϡϡ\ϳϡXGϡ h{h pCJOJQJ^JaJh p2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ h{h pCJOJQJ^JaJ#h{h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ7jh{h p5CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu,jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJf 24\ʍ΍8`$($Ifa$gdK-+$($Ifa$gd8N $Ifgd8NFf$($Ifa$gd8N$<$Ifa$gdK-+$<$Ifa$gd8NFfZ$<$Ifa$gd8NΌЌҌ܌ތ "$.04Z\^rtvϻϩϩlPϩϩ62jxh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ7jh{h p5CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ#h{h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ h{h pCJOJQJ^JaJ#h{h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ&jhK-+5CJOJQJU^JaJ,jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJvʍ΍Ѝ68:NPR\^`}cG7jh{h p5CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu2jph{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ&jhK-+5CJOJQJU^JaJ2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ h{h pCJOJQJ^JaJh p#h{h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ,jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ,jh{h p5CJOJQJU^JaJ`ʎ $$Ifa$gd8N$($Ifa$gd8NƎȎʎ̎ ϳϡkW*CJOJQJU^JaJ5jhu1he6>*CJOJQJU^JaJ&hu1h p6>*CJOJQJ^JaJ/jhu1he6>*CJOJQJU^JaJh pCJOJQJhJ2h p5CJOJQJaJh p#h{h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ7jh{h p5CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu,jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJ2jh{he5CJOJQJU^JaJʎ̎& $Ifgd8Nkd$$IfTs44֞ a "()>   / 0)44 saf4yt8NT $&(<>@JLNPnxzҐǭٙوyldTlJld=hW[5CJOJQJaJjh@>5Ujh{he5Uh{h p5jh{he5Uh{h pCJaJh p h=h pCJOJQJ^JaJ&jhu15CJOJQJU^JaJ2jh=he5CJOJQJU^JaJ#h=h p5CJOJQJ^JaJ,jh=he5CJOJQJU^JaJh pCJOJQJ h pCJ&NPnxypbpp$<$Ifa$gd@> $Ifgd8N$x$Ifa$gd8Nokd$$IfTs4())  0)44 saf4yt8NT $Ifgdu1<>HlWKKB6 $$Ifa$gd xu $Ifgd8N $$Ifa$gd{zkd$$IfTs4\a "()>    0)44 saf4yt{zTҐ>HV\jln242Ν~mXG!h"^hqhB* OJQJaJ$ph `(h8 "hqh:B* CJ8OJQJaJ8ph ` jhX5U\mHnHuh'/9h p5CJ OJQJaJ h'/9h pCJ OJQJaJ hh ph{h p5CJOJQJaJh p5CJOJQJaJh ph p5OJQJhh p5 h p5 h xu5 hW[5h pCJOJQJh{h p5CJOJQJaJlnB2$ 4$Ifa$gd8Nkd$$IfTs4/\a "()>    0)44 saf4yt{zT $Ifgd8N $$Ifa$gd8N(2$<$Ifa$gd8N $Ifgd8N$ 4$Ifa$gd8N24TƒWG<1 <$Ifgd8N <$Ifgd8N$<<$Ifa$gd8Nkd&$$IfTs4{\a "()&>       0)44 saf4ytJ-TƒȒʒ $Ifgd8N <<$Ifgd8Nkdf$$IfTs48֞.#()>         c  8     0)44 saf4yt8NT246Bj $IfgdgdVkd$$Iflz0L,' t'644 layt"^ $$Ifa$gdqk $Ifgd8 "246BDXZ\fhjlnzޓ0FxϿخ垕υخ|mchJ2h8 "6CJjhJ2he6CJUhJ2h8 "CJj;hJ2heCJUhJ2hIp7CJhJ2ha|CJ hJ2h!jhJ2hXCJOJQJUjYhJ2heCJUhJ2h-CJjhJ2heCJUhJ2hCJhVc5CJOJQJ hqkhqhjlnΓГޓ.ITkd$$Ifl0," t644 laytqk $IfgdgdTkd$$Ifl0," t644 layt{.0z|̖Ζ@h $Ifgd $Ifgd8 "$a$gd`gdV5`gd8 "gd8 " 0^`0gd8 "@&gd:gdΖЖ@BVXZdfhjձէxaZJj]hJ2heCJU hJ2h,jhJ2hXCJOJQJUmHnHujyhJ2heCJUhJ2hXCJjhJ2heCJUhJ2hCJhJ2h6CJ"jhJ2he6CJU"jhJ2he6CJUhJ2h8 "6CJjhJ2he6CJU"jhJ2he6CJUhjlš<>ITkd$$Ifl0p," t644 laytqk $IfgdgdTkd$$Ifl0p," t644 layt8 "šĚ"$&>Vvƛțʛԛ֛؛²¢˜Ғ҈yo]yIyo'jhJ2h5CJUmHnHu"j)hJ2he5CJUhJ2h5CJjhJ2he5CJUhJ2h/r5CJ h3K CJhJ2h>*CJjhJ2heCJUjAhJ2heCJUhJ2h_f*CJ hJ2hhJ2hCJ,jhJ2hXCJOJQJUmHnHujhJ2heCJU>XZ؛ڛܛ "Jxx $Ifgdjkd$$IflH&' t0'644 laytqk $IfgdXgd@&gd: ؛ڛ "$8:<FHJLN6Hdhμحأ𓉃vf_V_MVhJ2hQMCJhJ2h_f*CJ hJ2h-jhMCJUmHnHuj3heCJU hMCJjheCJUhJ2h-CJ hJ2hhMh5CJjhMh5CJU"j.hMhe5CJUhMhQ5CJjhMhe5CJUhJ2h/rCJhJ2hCJ hJ2hJLN $Ifgdgdjkd$$IflZ&' t0'644 laytqk wwnw $Ifgd/r $Ifgd-b<gdzkd$$Ifl\ !&`  t'644 laytqkwnen $Ifgd/r $Ifgd-b< $Ifgd pgdzkda$$Ifl\!&0" t'644 laytqkhjlН :<>@VX\^z|~·uc[SjhtvUhhVc5#j1hJ2heCJUaJ#jhJ2heCJUaJjhJ2heCJUaJhJ2h-CJaJhJ2h8 "CJaJhJ2hQMCJaJhJ2hCJaJhJ2h UCJaJhJ2hCJaJ hJ2h-hJ2h-CJ h pCJhJ2h_f*CJhJ2hQMCJxxxsqsqsqsqgd ^`gdzkd$$Ifl\!&0" t'644 laytqk hhVc5hG hRhG CJaJhG CJaJjhtvUhtv ^`gd6&P1h:plc/ =!@"#@$@%  F:[}, 7*_j JFIFddDucky# Ehttp://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ monogram-stacked Adobed    # 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(6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)fD 0.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kd3$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)|$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kdOC$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)|$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kdR$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)|$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kdb$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)fD 0.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)|$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kd(r$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)fD 0.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)|$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kd$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)fD 0.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)|$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kdV$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)fD 0.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)|$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kd$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)|$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kd$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTDText2-Course name or number. (25 character limit.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)vDText41`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)`D{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)pD Text30.00zIf appropriate for this discipline and earned as quarter hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)hD 0.00{If appropriate for this discipline and earned as semester hours, enter amount here. Otherwise, leave blank. (6 digit max.)$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40), 5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  / /  / /  /   4 sf4yt8NT kd=$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/l 0)$$$$44 saf4yt8NTD 0.00@Sum of all the quarter hour courses listed above. (7 digit max.)D 0.00@Sum of all the quarter hour courses listed above. (7 digit max.)D 0.00@Sum of all the quarter hour courses listed above. (7 digit max.)D 0.00ASum of all the semester hour courses listed above. (7 digit max.)D 0.00@Sum of all the quarter hour courses listed above. (7 digit max.)D 0.00ASum of all the semester hour courses listed above. (7 digit max.)$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40)+++5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  / / /  / /  /   4 sf4p2yt8NT<kd$$IfTs4  a "%()>  ` H`H/`l 0)$$$$44 saf4p2yt8NTpD 0.00Multiply sum of all the quarter hour courses listed above by 2/3 (or 0.667) to arrive at semester equivalent. (7 digit max.)pD 0.00Multiply sum of all the quarter hour courses listed above by 2/3 (or 0.667) to arrive at semester equivalent. (7 digit max.)pD 0.00Multiply sum of all the quarter hour courses listed above by 2/3 (or 0.667) to arrive at semester equivalent. (7 digit max.)$$If!v h5>5 5 55H5H5/55 l#v>#v #v #v#vH#v/#v#v l:V s40)+++,5>5 5 55H5/55 l/  / /  / /  /   4 sf4p2yt8NT@kd$$IfTs4  a "%()>   HH/ l 0)$$$$44 saf4p2yt8NTvDText42"D 0.00XTotal semester hours or equivalent for this discipline or specialization. (7 digit max.)"D 0.00XTotal semester hours or equivalent for this discipline or specialization. (7 digit max.)^$$If!vh5>5 5 555/5#v>#v #v #v#v#v/#v:V s440),5>5 5 555/5/  / / / /  4 sf4yt8NTvDText24vDText15$$If!vh5)#v):V s40),5)/ /  4 sf4yt8NT*D2Text7 TITLE CASEQName of dean or other official evaluating this transcript. 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